Diploma of English Language Teaching (TESOL) - 11020NAT

Course Outline

11020NAT Diploma of English Language Teaching (TESOL)
Course Code11020NAT
CRISCOS Code110283B
Delivery ModeVaried: Face to Face Classroom, Workshop, Computer generated supervised learning
Course Duration18 months full time or up to 36 months part time
Contact Study Hours1200 hours
Qualification LevelDiploma
Cost$10500.00 (includes certificate IV qualification) + $450.00 materials and consumable fee (These fees are subject to change without notice. Please contact ANIBT marketing staff for the latest fees.)
Nationally RecognisedYes

Course Overview

Learn the skills to teach English as a second language in our nationally accredited course, and gain a qualification that is accepted globally. Forge a career in ESL at an Australian institution, or break out into an international career.

The course outcomes for graduates will vary greatly depending on existing qualifications and experience.  In general, this course is intended to provide participants with the following Vocational outcomes:

  • Teaching and/or coordinating English programs for groups of students visiting Australia
  • Teaching in overseas institutions
  • Teaching a variety of English language programs in Australian language schools where a higher education degree is not required
  • Teaching conversational English in Australian Language schools
  • Teaching migrants for the development of general English skills
  • Teaching ESL to students on an individual tuition or small group tutorial basis
  • Developing English language programs for individual or small groups of overseas students on a tutorial basis (to support existing studies, e.g. at university level)

Some potential employment opportunities involving the delivery of accredited English Courses in Australia may only be possible where the graduate holds a Vocational Education teaching qualification such as the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or equivalent.

Graduates with existing Qualifications or Experience

In addition to the above outcomes, a graduate who already has a Tertiary Level degree and then completes the Diploma of TESOL may find employment for the provision of teaching English as a second language in a wider range of capacities including the following:

  • Teaching English at a National ELT (English Language Teaching) Accreditation Scheme (NEAS) accredited training Centre in Australia
  • Developing English language programs, especially in conjunction with teaching, at an Australian or overseas language school
  • Acting in a supervisory capacity at an Australian language school
  • Teaching in overseas institutions in higher level positions where a university degree is required or preferred in addition to a TESOL qualification

Some potential employment opportunities involving the delivery of accredited English Courses in Australia may only be possible where the graduate holds a Vocational Education teaching qualification such as the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or equivalent.

In addition, it is envisaged that this Diploma qualification may also serve the purpose of more adequately equipping those who aspire to become trainers delivering TESOL qualifications, including the delivery of a Certificate IV in TESOL. This may particularly apply to a person who only has a Certificate IV TESOL qualification, but who still may meet the criteria for delivery. In this case, it may be of value for that person to complete this Diploma in TESOL as a means of increasing their suitability for such a role (note: the qualification requirements of trainers and assessors for Certificate IV in TESOL Courses may vary from Course to Course).

Specialist functions and Skills

Additionally, graduates of the course will be able to perform the following functions and specialist tasks:

  • Analysing culture, its relationship to learning and the impact that culture has on learning English as a second language
  • Analysing the English language and the genre-based approach to teaching it
  • Planning and delivering English grammar, spelling and pronunciation, speaking, listening, reading and writing lessons
  • Evaluating English skills and providing feedback on how to improve English skills
  • Developing resource files to assist the teaching of English
  • Researching, analysing and understanding various TESOL methodologies and their application to learning goals
  • Understanding how to construct a cohesive series of lessons to form an ESL syllabus to suit various ESL training requirements
  • Researching, analysing and understanding various ESL proficiency tests and preparing ESL students to take ESL proficiency tests
  • Designing and/or customising ESL assessment items based on learning outcomes
  • Understanding academic contexts in which ESL students may need to use English and preparing ESL students for various academic contexts (e.g. university study)
  • Researching, analysing and understanding specific contexts in which English may be used (for example, English for business, medicine, tourism, etc.) and creating learning programs based around a specific purpose of English use

Course Details

Course Structure

To achieve the qualification Diploma of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) the learner must complete 14 units – 9 Core and 5 specialisation units.


Core Units

Unit Code Unit Title Pre-requisite Contact Hours
TESCIE001Create a culturally inclusive learning environmentNil50
TESGAE001Use the genre approach to teach EnglishNil50
TESTEG001Teach English grammarNil50
TESTSP001Teach spelling and pronunciationNIL50
TESTSE001Teach speakingNIL50
TESTLE001Teach listeningNIL50
TESTRE001Teach readingNIL50
TESTWE001Teach writingNIL50
TESDRF001Develop resource filesNIL50

Specialisation Units (Complete All)

Unit Code Unit Title Pre-Requisite Contact Hours
TESAMT001Apply Approaches and Methods in TESOLAll Certificate IV core units150
TESDTS001Design and teach ESL SyllabusAll Certificate IV core units150
TESAEL001Assess ESL LearningAll Certificate IV core units150
TESEAP001Teach English for Academic PurposesAll Certificate IV core units150
TESESP001Teach English for Specific PurposesAll Certificate IV core units150
Total contact hours1200

Volume of learning

The volume of learning identifies the notional duration of all activities required for the achievement of learning outcomes.

Volume of learning is calculated as follows:

Nominal (supervised) hours + Unsupervised hours = Volume of learning

The nominal (supervised) hours represent the anticipated hours of structured and supervised learning and assessment required to sufficiently address the content of each unit.

These include hours allocated for learning and assessment activities that are delivered face to face, online and/or via structured distance education.

The unsupervised hours represent activities that contribute to achieving the course outcomes that are not supervised by an RTO trainer or assessor.

Successful completion of this course will require learners to engage in unsupervised activities which may include, but not be limited to:


  • engagement with an ESL organisation for the undertaking practical placement
  • completing self-study to revise and reinforce areas of English language knowledge
  • conducting research to gain up to date TESOL industry information
  • personal study, additional reading and research associated with the backgrounds of various cultures and learning styles
  • familiarisation with the use of traditional English language resources such as Grammar and English Usage texts, lexicons and other aids used in the field of ESL teaching
  • language analysis, grammar, spelling and pronunciation
  • reading and research associated with current and/or cultural TESOL methodologies
  • compilation of resources, activities, learning materials, etc. relating to an ESL syllabus
  • familiarisation with various English proficiency tests
  • observation of and interaction with experienced teachers and ESL learners in preparation for practice teaching
  • preparation of lessons for practice teaching, with regards to teaching speaking, listening, reading, writing, English grammar, spelling and pronunciation
  • compilation of the portfolio of documentation related to practice teaching including learning resources, reflections on teaching, observation notes and organisational documentation
  • personal study associated with the chosen specific purpose for English (e.g. business, medicine, tourism, etc.)
  • preparing an assessment item and implementing assessment
  • personal study associated with English for academic purposes


The time required to undertake these activities will vary greatly between students based on their experience. For example, those who completed their schooling in English speaking countries may be able to draw on their educational experience to quickly grasp concepts around teaching the English language; however, learners from non-English speaking backgrounds may need to do additional self-study. Note: minimum entry requirements apply to this course. For further information, please see section Entry Requirements.


On average, the unsupervised activities listed above may equate to between 400 to 500 hours.


Assessment strategy

Assessment in this course is designed to ensure that the participant demonstrates competency in all the stated units of competency.

Consideration is to be given to a holistic and integrated approach where possible to provide the participant with the opportunity to demonstrate competence in their ability to carry out the functions of an English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher.

All assessment will be conducted in accordance with stated requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) or its successors and in effect at the time of assessment.

Participants will clearly understand the requirements and conditions of the assessment procedure. Assessment techniques will vary and will draw from direct, indirect and supplementary sources of evidence.

Workplace assessment and/or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is strongly recommended where the trainee is already functioning as an ESL Teacher.

The main focus of this course is on the learning outcomes rather than how, when or where the learning occurred. Some participants may already be competent in one or more of the competencies and will, therefore, be given the opportunity to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or credit transfer – more details in RPL/IE section of strategy.

There are no explicit limitations of the course in terms of the environment in which learning and assessment of the knowledge based aspects of this Course can occur.

Achievement of the required skill based performance outcomes of some units within this Course must be demonstrated in the actual teaching of English as a Second Language. Refer to each individual unit to see where this applies.

Diploma of TESOL trainees will need to participate in a minimum of 20 hours of experience within an ESL classroom. This Practical Placement experience will involve:

  • observation of experienced teachers;
  • interaction with students under the direction of an experienced teacher;
  • and actual practice teaching experience, during which TESOL Trainees plan and deliver a minimum of 10 hours of ESL lessons.

During Practice Teaching, all trainees will teach all of the macro skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing). This teaching will be conducted in a way that is applicable to the age, English level, and needs of the learners within the classroom setting.

The demonstration of practical teaching of at least one spelling rule, a grammar point and a point of pronunciation may occur during placement or in a simulated environment. For example, ANIBT may choose to have its trainees teach a spelling rule, grammar point and/or pronunciation point in a simulated environment in order to give their trainees a smooth transition into practical placement.

Diploma level students will also be required to conduct an assessment of their students’ English ability.

During the Practice Teaching experience, the trainees should apply knowledge gained through the theory component of the units, to their planning and delivery.

Where students undertaking this course are not in relevant employment, it is strongly advised that a practical work placement arrangement be considered as an option critical to success in this course. If ANIBT utilises practical work placement as part of their delivery strategy we must ensure that the practical work placement component complies with any relevant state legislation.

Formal assessment of practice teaching will be conducted by TESOL Course Assessors and may take place in the ESL Practice Teaching environment or by means of electronic recording or by reviewing supplementary evidence of competency provided by other third parties who are suitably qualified with relevant ESL teaching skills and experience, including but not limited to:

  • a qualification equivalent to or higher than a Diploma of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
  • a minimum of 2 years’ experience in teaching English as a Second Language (ESL)

Assessor competencies

All assessment must be undertaken by assessors who meet the requirements stated to apply under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations(RTOs) 2015.

ResourceAll units are included in a course book:

TESOL Made practical for all situations

The complete text for teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Forth Edition

Author - Paula Withers

Published – Language Training Institute

Assessment Requirements

All units will contain the listed assessment tools and the Individual Delivery and Assessment Strategies for each unit clearly detail the assessment requirements for each unit.

The following tools may be used when assessing individual units

  • Class Activities
  • Written
  • Project
  • Case Studies
  • Role Plays
  • Practical demonstration
  • Conducting lessons


This course is designed to be conducted with blended learning with both theoretical components and practical components. Appropriate modes of delivery may include, but not be limited to:

  • face-to-face classes,
  • seminars or workshops
  • practical demonstrations
  • observations
  • case studies
  • realistic simulations
  • work-based learning
  • distance learning
  • online learning

Note: Where specially arranged ESL classes are arranged for the purpose of facilitating the training or assessment related to this Course, the classroom in which the training is to be conducted will be resourced with all the materials and equipment that would normally be found in real teaching environments and is to be designed to replicate the usual dynamics of an ESL teaching environment. It is expected that a minimum of 5 learners be present for the practical demonstration of ESL teaching skills.

Contextualisation of units for a variety of learner groups

 Contextualisation enables endorsed units of competency to be adjusted to reflect the immediate context in which the units are to be used. ANIBT may need to contextualise units of competency to:

  • reflect local needs
  • suit particular delivery methods
  • suit learner characteristics/profile

However, any contextualisation must ensure that the integrity of the unit of competency is maintained. To guide users in contextualising Diploma of TESOL units, contextualisation:

  • cannot involve changes to the wording of elements
  • cannot involve the removal of elements and/or performance criteria
  • can include the development of delivery programs for a specific audience e.g. non-English speaking background or qualified teachers
  • can include a combination of RPL and gap training, where sufficient RPL evidence has been supplied

Delivery modes for non-native speakers of English

Non-native speakers of English may require an extended delivery format that provides more time for the understanding of terms and concepts associated with the skills and associate knowledge being developed through the delivery of the Course.

For some cultures where there is a natural reticence to be involved in classroom activities (e.g. involvement in role plays). An extended program may enable the course to offer encouragement and motivation for participants to develop greater confidence in these skills which the Course encourages them to consider as potential teachers of English.

Delivery modes for qualified teachers

 Course participants who hold existing teaching qualifications, but not in the field of ESL may qualify for recognition of prior learning for some requirements of the Course, depending on their field of specialisation in teaching.

In addition, it would be expected that a condensed delivery format may be successful as generic teaching skills gained from obtaining existing teaching qualifications and in existing teaching practice would make the acquisition of the TESOL teaching skills easier.

Other learner groups that may require contextualisation of the delivery mode may include, but not be limited to:

  • Unemployed/disadvantaged persons
  • Mature age persons
  • Those still in full-time compulsory education
  • Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander
  • Distance learners (national and international)
  • Incarcerated persons held in correctional facilities

Entry Requirements

Completion of the Certificate IV in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) provides partial credit for the 10688NAT - Diploma of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). Credit will be given for some of the units of competency in the Diploma of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) as listed below:

TESCIE001 – Create a culturally inclusive learning environment

TESGAE001 – Use the genre approach to teach English

TESTEG001 – Teach English grammar

TESTSP001 – Teach spelling and pronunciation

TESTSE001 – Teach speaking

TESTLE001 – Teach listening

TESTRE001 – Teach reading

TESTWE001 – Teach writing

TESDRF001 – Develop resource files

The above 9 units are accredited within the Diploma of TESOL and imported into the Certificate IV in TESOL as core unit. In order to be awarded the full Certificate IV in TESOL, a person would also need to complete an additional elective unit (with 7 elective units to choose from which are different to any of the Diploma units and are accredited within the Certificate IV). Please see the Certificate IV in TESOL course document for full details of the course structure and requirements.

 It is imperative that students have knowledge and understanding of the English language and terms used in referring to it.  The minimum educational standard required for entry to the Course is:

  • the standard of English that a person would demonstrate if they achieved a pass level or higher at the completion of Australian senior secondary school (Year 12).

Evidence of having this level of English ability may include:

  • Secondary School transcripts showing the required results in English
  • Completion of a Certificate III or higher level Course in the Australian Qualification Framework
  • A pass mark achieved in an English language proficiency test – either a standardized test, or a test produced specially for this purpose (see English proficiency tests below*)
  • Teachers, trainers, lecturers or other supervisors of education programs confirming English language competency
  • Enrolment in other courses of study requiring equivalent levels of English ability

English Proficiency Tests

For entry into the Diploma of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), a person should have an English proficiency notionally equivalent to a minimum IELTS score of 6.0.

Other proficiency tests and associated scores that would indicate equivalent

English proficiency may include, but not be limited to:

  • PTE Academic 51 - 58
  • TOEIC 750
  • TOEFL (paper) 550
  • TOEFL (CBT) 213
  • TOEFL (IBT) 79 - 80
  • Cambridge Exams FCE - A
  • ISLPR 3

Providers of this Course may develop and use tests that would indicate equivalent English proficiency. In this case, the provider should have evidence that the test they have developed provides for the indicators of English proficiency to be demonstrated.

A potential Course participant presenting with the minimum English proficiency equivalent an IELTS score of 6.0 may find the requirements of the course challenging because of the following aspects or demands of the Course: vocabulary demands; the management and understanding of idiom; the standard of pronunciation; correct use of stress and intonation; spontaneous, confident and competent use of English in the fulfilment of the practical teaching units of the course.

However, the experience gained from past delivery of the Course to many non-native speakers of English indicates that a student with an English proficiency equivalent of IELTS 6.0 can complete the Course where a specially considered and planned pathway or format of delivery of the Course is determined and delivered. In many cases, the Course participant’s level of English proficiency increases as a result of the support provided during the delivery of the Course.

In addition, non-native speakers of English almost always use the qualification gained as a means of demonstrating suitability for teaching English in the country of their origin. In this case, their native language is often used to complement the teaching of English and the combination of fluency in their native language and an English proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 adequately equips them to teach English as foreign language in numerous professional teaching contexts. The Diploma of TESOL becomes evidence of their teaching ability supported by the notion that they were able to complete a qualification delivered in the medium of English.

Entrants should have reasonable level language, literacy and numeracy levels – sufficient to analyse resources, prepare written lesson plans and prepare learning materials / activities.

Course Completion

Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a nationally recognised qualification 10688NAT Diploma of TESOL issued by the Australian National Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd (ANIBT).

The Australian National Institute of Business and Technology Pty Ltd is a Registered Training Organisation (Provider number: 21368) registered with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

Course Availability

January Term 1 intake
April Term 2 intake
July Term 3 intake
October Term 4 intake

Please contact ANIBT to discuss your specific study and qualification requirements and how we can tailor a program to suit your specific requirements.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition can promote accelerated training by recognising existing skills through a fast-tracked assessment process.

Recognition suits people who have:

  • Work skills and knowledge
  • Completed a similar unit that is not able to be granted a Credit Transfer
  • Life experience
  • Paid or unpaid work experience

Students are required to complete a form at enrolment stating if they fore fill any of the criteria listed above.

If yes, the student will be required to supply documentation which will be authenticated, and they will then be interviewed by the Manager, Academic Delivery and Compliance with the relevant course co-ordinator to assess the student’s eligibility for Recognition.

The student may be required to complete practical or theory assessments to gauge the amount of Recognition to be granted.

Depending on the outcome the student may:

  • receive no recognition
  • require Gap Training,
  • complete only practical or theory assessments, or
  • be granted full RPL for a unit/s

Thus resulting in the acceleration of their progress through the qualification.

Information about RPL and IE can be found in the Institute’s Policies and Procedures manual, which is available for students on the website and is set out in the Student Handbook.

Please contact ANIBT directly on +61 3 9620 2922 to discuss your previous experiences and we will be able to guide you through the RPL process.


Credit Transfer (CT)

ANIBT will provide Credit Transfer to students if they can supply a relevant Certificate or Statement of Attainment issued by another RTO under Australian Qualification Framework (AQF). Credit Transfers can be granted under the following circumstances:

  • Under the principles of National Recognition students are granted an automatic credit for any unit that they successfully completed at any other Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

Students are required to complete a form at enrolment stating if they have completed any units that meet the criteria above.

Please contact ANIBT directly to discuss your previous studies and we will be able to guide you through the credit transfer process

Access and Equity

ANIBT strives to ensure that all Students, regardless of racial, religious, cultural or language backgrounds enjoy full access to services they are entitled to.

Special Requirements

It is expected that all students will have access to their own personal computer and the internet. This is essential for regular research and also on-line


Course Guide- Diploma of TESOL