Credit Transfer/Recognition of Prior Learning
Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015
Standard 1.2, 1.8, 1.12, 3.5, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2
National Code 2018
Standard 1.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.6, 2.1.7, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1,3.3.1, 3.3.2
Credit Transfer/Recognition of Prior Learning
Credit Transfer
1.0 Purpose
1.1 This procedure explains the process of applying for unit(s) completed at another Australian Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and obtaining Credit Transfer (CT) at ANIBT as well as to fulfil the requirements of the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students.
1.2 The purpose of this policy and procedure is to define the system used to meet the requirements of the above mentioned standards..
Accommodate student needs in extraordinary circumstances:
Lockdown - refer to Covoid-19 Policy and Procedure
2.1 The CEO, the Training and Academic Development Manager and the Student Services Coordinator are responsible for the implementation of this procedure and to ensure that staff and students are aware of its application and that staff implement its requirements.
3.0 Requirements
3.1 Credit Transfer information must be included in information given to students prior to enrolment
3.2 ANIBT shall ensure that all CT applicants are provided with:
CT information including:
application form;
Information on all aspects of collecting and submitting evidence of attainment of the Unit/course, which were obtained at another RTO (i.e. transcripts/certificates) prior to submitting a CT application.
Support and guidance in completing the CT application form;
The opportunity to obtain feedback and/or further information on completing all aspects of the CT application prior to submission.
3.3 All documentary evidence of training, including Certificates/Diplomas, Statement of Results and Statement of Attainment provided must be original, official or certified documents and must be signed and sealed by the issuing Australian RTO.
3.4 The qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by any other Registered Training Organization must be recognized.
3.5 Recognition means that students will be granted exemptions or advanced standing in a course as a consequence of having completed the same unit(s) with another Registered Training Organization.
3.6 The Training and Academic Development Manager shall endeavour to process within 21 working days the CT evidence submitted and advice the Student Services Coordinator whether the CT application is valid.
3.7 The Training and Academic Development Manager then validates and ratifies the CT application.
4.0 Definitions
4.1 Credit Transfer – exempting a student:
- From enrolling in units as a result of having completed units at another Registered Training Organization, within the VQF framework, and from the same Training Package, where those units are included in the Course in which they are enrolled.
- From enrolling in units as a result of having completed units at another Registered Training Organization, within the VQF framework, and from the same Training Package, where those units are not included in the Course in which they are enrolled. The Training and Academic Development Manager will consult with the student to determine the units from which he or she will be exempted.
5.0 Method
5.1 CT application is obtained from the Institute’s Reception or ANIBT Website;
5.2 The applicant then makes an appointment with the Training and Academic Development Manager to receive advice on completing the CT application, the relevant Qualification/Units of Competency(s) and how to gather relevant attainment evidence;
5.3 The applicant then proceeds to apply for CT by submitting or forwarding the duly completed signed CT application form together with the relevant attainment evidence and required fee, to the Student Services Coordinator.
5.4 On receipt of the CT application by ANIBT, the CT application is checked and verified for content of the applicant details, course/units of competency applied for, evidence submitted and payment are correct.
(Please note that any inconsistency or erroneous data/information or any attainment evidence material supplied which does not fulfil CT application requirements will be returned to the applicant to complete and re-submit. This step might require meeting with the MASS to receive further advice on how to revise and complete the CT application);
The applicant is notified of receipt of the CT application;
A copy of the student CT application form is placed on the student file;
5.5 The Student Services Coordinator in conjunction with the Training and Academic Development Manager and within ten (10) working days of receiving the application shall verify and validate the CT application outcome.
5.6 If the Training and Academic Development Manager ratifies the CT application outcome, the applicant is formally informed of the CT application outcome;
The applicant is also informed of a review of his course schedule. Any reductions in the scheduled attendance and the reasons for the reduction are recorded and placed on the student’s file;
If the Training and Academic Development Manager does not ratify the outcome, the Student Services Coordinator is requested to invite the applicant to bring new evidence in support of his/her CT application and resubmit the application;
5.7 The CT application and outcome are recorded in the Institute’s Student Management System and a copy is placed in the student file.
5.8 The applicant is advised of the CT application outcome and of ANIBT’s Complaints and Appeals procedure (only if unsuccessful).
Granting of Credit Transfer must be recorded as a unit outcome in the students file
After Credit Transfer is granted a student’s course schedule must be reviewed and amended in the light of the credit transfer outcome.
Recognition of Prior learning
1.0 Purpose
This procedure explains the process of applying for and granting Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
1.2 The purpose of this policy and procedure is to define the system used to meet the requirements of the standards referred to at the beginning of this document.
2.0 Responsibility
2.1 The CEO, Training and Academic Development Manager and the Student Services Coordinator are responsible for the implementation of this procedure and to ensure that staff and students are aware of its application and that staff implement its requirements.
3.0 Requirements
3.1 Recognition of Prior Learning must be structured to minimize the cost and time to applicants whilst retaining the integrity required by the standards to recognize competencies in accordance with the requirements of Training Packages or Curriculum documents.
3.2 RPL is not to be granted where there is not sufficient evidence to satisfy the assessment requirements of the Training Package, the rules of evidence are not met or the principles of assessment are not met.
3.3 ANIBT must ensure that any applicant for Recognition of Prior Learning is provided with
3.4 Information about the competencies and performance criteria relevant to their Recognition of Prior Learning application
3.5 Adequate information and support to enable them to gather reliable evidence of competency
3.6 Opportunities to obtain feedback on the evidence proposed prior to finalization of the application
3.7 Competencies for which RPL is being requested may have been developed through formal education and training, through work experience or training or through life experiences.
3.8 A written statement from an appropriate supervisory person is required to confirm authorship of any work submitted.
3.9 It is accepted that RPL is an assessment of an individual’s current knowledge, skills and attitudes even though the evidence produced in support of the claim for recognition may be drawn from the past. It is up to the RPL assessor to judge whether the evidence produced demonstrates current knowledge, skills and attitudes
3.10 Students who are eligible for credit transfer must not be required to undertake a RPL process. Refer to the credit transfer procedure
4.0 Definitions
4.1 Recognition of Prior Learning is the formal acknowledgement of current skills, knowledge and attitudes held as a result of education and training, work experience and/or life experience, It is essentially an assessment only pathway in the VET system
- Method
5.1 RPL applications are made using the student RPL application form. The form can be obtained from the Institute’s Reception or ANIBT Website
5.2 The student RPL application form should be completed and forwarded to the Student Services Officer together with the required fee.
5.3 A copy of the student RPL application form and all verified supporting documentation is placed on the student file.
5.4 The RTO will provide RPL applicant’s access to the relevant Units or Modules prior to the RPL application being completed.
5.5 The RTO will give applicants advice on completing the student RPL application form and gathering reliable evidence.
5.6 A qualified assessor will assess completed student RPL applications, interview students, conduct the assessment of evidence, sign the form indicating the assessment outcome and advise the RTO Manager of the outcome.
5.7 Students will be advised promptly of the decision. Further information or an interview with the student may be required before evaluation of the application is completed.
5.8 The completed student RPL record must be signed by the student and the assessor.
5.9 RPL application documentation, assessment processes and outcomes are placed in the student file.
5.10 Granting of RPL must be recorded as a unit outcome in the students file.
5.11 Students may use the Institute’s appeal procedures if dissatisfied with the outcome of their RPL applications.
5.12 After RPL is granted a student’s course schedule must be reviewed and adjustments made in the light of the RPL outcome.
Version Number | Actions | Date | Responsible |
1.0 | To bring Policy and Procedure in line with new RTO standards | March 2015 | DCS |
1.1 | Cosmetic tweaking to correct errors | December 2015 | DCS |
1.2 | Minor tweaks to meet the requirements of National Code 2018 | December 2017 | DCS |
| Reviewed as part of internal audit No changes made | January 2019 | DCS |
1.4 | Changes to accommodate issues faced with Covoid- 19 lockdowns | April 2020 | DCS |
| Changes made to reflect new organization chart staff roles | August 2021 | DCS |