Transfer of International Students between Registered Providers
Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015
Standard 3.5, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.1, 6.3
National Code 2018
Standard 7
1.0 Purpose
Standard 7 of the National Code of Practice 2018 sets out the legislative terms where an International Student is required to complete six [6] months of their Principal Course of study before seeking transfer to another Registered Provider. The National Code does recognise International Students as consumers who may wish to exercise choice before the six [6] months have been completed through a Registered Providers policy for transfer.
Accommodate student needs in extraordinary circumstances:
Lockdown - refer to Covoid-19 Policy and Procedure
2.0 Responsibility
The Admissions Officer, The Manager of Compliance and Academic Support , the Student Services Coordinator and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) are responsible for the implementation of this policy and to ensure that marketing, and other staff who interact directly with students, agents and students are aware of its application and that the relevant staff implement its requirements and procedures.
3.0 Requirements
The International Student – Transfer between Registered Providers Policy supports the legislation and details the circumstances where Australian National Institute of Business and Technology (ANIBT) will permit an International Student seeking to transfer from another provider. The circumstances are also detailed where ANIBT may or may not permit an International Student to transfer to another provider.
4.0 International Students seeking to transfer into ANIBT
The policy of ANIBT is to ensure that it does not enrol any transferring International Student prior to six [6] months of their principal course being completed unless that student has a valid letter of release agreeing to such a transfer.
A Letter of Release is not required from your provider:
- If you are under a Government sponsorship and the sponsor believes your transfer to ANIBT is in your best interests, then no Letter of Release is necessary. A letter of support from the Government sponsor must be provided in this case.
- In the rare circumstances where the original institution or course has ceased to be registered, or sanctions have been placed on that institution by the Australian Government which do not allow the student to continue with the course.
Steps to transfer in:
Apply to The Admissions Office as outlined in the process located at or, in the ANIBT prospectus
- ANIBT will determine if you have completed six [6] months of your Principal course.
- If ANIBT finds you have not completed six [6] months your Principal Course, a Conditional Letter of Offer may be issued stating that a Letter of Release must be provided from the other Provider agreeing to the transfer into ANIBT; or
- If no satisfactory letter of release is obtained from you seeking to transfer in, the application process will be halted and you will be advised that you are unable to transfer. You are welcome to re-apply after the six [6] month period has passed.
5.0 International Students seeking to transfer from ANIBT
International Students wishing to transfer from ANIBT will have their request assessed as per this policy. Students may have their request approved or refused in line with this policy. The decision-making process will be conducted in consultation/negotiation with the Student by interview.
Steps to transfer out:
- Complete the Transfer Request Form, along with supplying a Letter of Offer from the new provider. (The form is available from Reception or )
- The following documents (where applicable) must be attached to the Application for Transfer:
- a letter detailing the reasons for the request to transfer to another Institution and how the Student will benefit from the transfer; ad
- a copy of the Letter of Offer from the other Institution confirming that a valid enrolment offer has been made; and
- a copy of the documentary evidence referred to in the letter of application (such as medical certificates); and
- written approval for the change from the scholarship body if a sponsor is paying the tuition fees.
- Evidence that the student has no outstanding fees.
- Provide a valid Letter of Offer from the new provider.
- The Student Services Coordinator will make an appointment with the student to discuss your request to transfer in accordance with points 1 to 7 below.
- The Student Services Coordinator will then take the input from the student and their request for transfer to the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support for review. The Manager of Compliance and Academic Support will then grant the transfer based on evidence provided, seek further evidence or reject the transfer request. In the instance of transfer rejection the student has the option to Appeal this decision see below.
Reasons for granting a transfer request
If it is determined that any of the points 1 to 7 applying during consultation/negotiation with ANIBT’s Student Services Coordinator, the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support or CEO your transfer request will be granted because the transfer is in the students best interest. Supporting documentation/evidence must be provided to support your request for transfer.
- In ANIBT’s opinion the Student is not likely to academically succeed, despite Academic International’s intervention or support strategies being engaged with the Student participating in those Services; or
- In ANIBT’s opinion the Student is in need of general support services beyond those currently available (commercial or non-profit services, family or cultural support); or
- Illness or injury that prevents the Student from being able to participate in the course requirements. This must be supported by a Doctor specialising in the specific illness or injury the Student claims to suffer from, which will then be validated through the Student visiting an independent doctor/specialist nominated and paid for by ANIBT; or
- The Student can reasonably prove that the new course better meets their long term goals; or
- The Student was substantially misled by ANIBT or an education or migration agent regarding the provider or the course, which constitutes a breach of the ESOS Act; or
- An appeal (international or external) on a matter that may reasonably result in the Student wishing to seek a transfer supports the Student; or
- Any other exceptional circumstances ANIBT sees fit.
The approval allowing a student to transfer does not indicate that a refund will be provided.
Refunds are determined by the written agreement between ANIBT and the Student as per the terms of the Refund Agreement.
The transfer request will be provided to the Student at no cost.
Reasons for release requests may be refused
During consultation/negotiation with the Student if it is determined that points 9-12 apply, the request for transfer may be refused by ANIBT. In the case of your release being refused you will be advised in writing, detailing the reasons for the refusal. You will also be informed in this letter of your right to engage ANIBT’s appeals process to seek a review of the decision.
- If a student has not followed the Institutes internal Intervention Strategy and the Student is trying to avoid being reported by the Department of Home Affairs for failing to meet course progress or attendance requirements; or
- If a Student has recently commenced their course and ANIBT’s support services have not yet been offered to the Student; or
- ANIBT determines that the transfer would be detrimental to the Student’s study or career goals;
10.1) the transfer may put at risk the Student’s progression through a package of course
10.2) the transfer may result in the Student being unqualified for their chosen career
- If the Student does not have a valid Letter of Offer from the receiving provider; or
- If the documents provided by the Student do not, in ANIBT’s reasonable view, provide adequate grounds to justify the transfer.
ANIBT will assess and respond to your request for a letter of release within ten [10] working days from receipt of the application.
6.0 Appeals
If you are not satisfied with the decision, and believe that it was not made following the procedures set out in this policy, you can seek an international review using the standard appeal process. Note the ultimate decision on whether the appeal is granted is passed on to the Appeals Committee. The Appeals committee comprises of the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support, the Training and Academic Development Manager, the Student Services Coordinator with the CEO attending as ex officio.
If you are unhappy with this outcome, you can seek an external review through the Overseas Student Ombudsman.
Information relating to complaints and appeals process may be accessed from and Student Handbook.
Version Number | Actions | Date | Responsible |
1.0 | To bring Policy and Procedure in line with new RTO standards | March 2015 | DCS |
1.1 | Cosmetic tweaking to correct errors | December 2015 | DCS |
1.2 | Minor tweaks to meet the requirements of National Code 2018 | December 2017 | DCS |
1.3 | Corrected process to fall in line with International Students Ombudsman recommendation | April 2018 | DCS |
| Reviewed as part of internal audit No changes made | January 2019 | DCS |
1.5 | Changes to accommodate issues faced with Covoid-19 lockdowns | April 2020 | DCS |
| Changes made to reflect new organisation chart staff roles | August 2021 | DCS |