Training Package Transition and Teach Out

Standards for Registered Training Organizations 2015

Standard 1.26, 1.27

National Code 2018

Standard 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.9, 11.3

Training Package Transition and Teach Out

1.0 Purpose

1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to define the system used to meet the requirements of the standards mentioned above.

1.2 To provide guidelines for the transition of students from a superseded training package qualification accredited course, and units of competency to a new or revised training package qualification, accredited course, and units of competency.

1.3 ANIBT Management is committed to managing the transition of superseded training package qualifications, accredited courses and units of competency on ANIBT's scope of registration within 12 months of its publication on the website.

1.4 Qualifications, Statements of Attainment templates and marketing materials will be updated to reflect the changes to new qualifications.

1.5 Training and assessment strategies will be updated to the new qualifications prior to commencing delivery.

1.6 Students will be transitioned to the new qualifications as outlined within the latest version of the Victorian Purchasing Guide for a particular Training Package.

1.7 Enrolment and Student Management System (SMS) processes will be modified to reflect the changes to the new qualifications

Accommodate student needs in extraordinary circumstances:

Lockdown - refer to Covoid-19 Policy and Procedure

2.0 Responsibility

2.1 The CEO, and the Training and Academic Development Manager in conjunction with the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support are responsible for the implementation of this procedure.

3.0 Scope

3.1 This policy applies to all training programs delivered by ANIBT.


4.0 Transition Method

4.1 The CEO and the Training and Academic Development Manager in conjunction with the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support  will each maintain an active ‘notification account’ on website for each qualification and or unit of competency on ANIBT's scope of registration.

4.2 The CEO and the Training and Academic Development Manager in conjunction with the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support will call for an RTO management meeting. Training Package qualification, accredited course, and units of competency currency will be an agenda item.

4.3 Training staff will be advised of by the MADC of updated and published Training Packages and accredited courses and the required transition arrangements at the monthly RTO staff meetings.

4.4 The Training and Academic Development Manager in conjunction with the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support shall respond to each superseded qualification, unit of competency and accredited course on ANIBT's scope of registration via the following:

Preparation of  a qualification/competency mapping table to show relationship from old to new qualification, and develop relevant Skills Recognition template if required

Preparation of appropriate Learning and Assessment Strategies

Consultation with Marketing and preparation or updating of relevant marketing materials to accurately reflect the new/revised course.

4.5 The Training and Academic Development Manager in conjunction with the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support shall provide a written report to the CEO detailing the findings from the summary mapping review and the required actions and scheduling to update all relevant ANIBT course material documentation and applicable training and assessment strategies.

4.6 All ANIBT training staff will be required to implement required actions to deliver reviewed course materials relevant to updated training package qualifications, units of competency and accredited courses.

4.7 The Training and Academic Development Manager in conjunction with the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support will ensure that specific measures are applied to all updated course materials.

4.8 The Summary Mapping Review Report shall be used and completed as a record by the Training and Academic Development Manager in conjunction with the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support and the CEO during the review and update.

4.9 The CEO shall ensure that the scope addition application for updated unit/s or replacement qualifications is submitted as soon as practicable but no later than 12 months from the date of publication of the updated unit/s or replacement qualification on the national register.

5.0 Transition Guidelines

5.1 Transition dates that are published on website, purchasing guides and provided by Commonwealth/State Registering Authorities must be followed.

5.2 The transition period for superseded/expired qualifications should not exceed 12 months from the new training package approval date. Teach out period should not exceed 6 months (in addition to the 12 months transition period).

5.3 Where possible, students should have the opportunity to transfer to the most recent qualification. When making the decision to transfer to the new qualification the following should be considered:

proportion of the qualification that has been completed,

the degree of alignment with the new qualification, and

potential advantage or disadvantage to student (including issues relating to CoE’s and Student Visa’s for students from overseas).

5.4 A student must be allowed to complete the course in which they originally enrolled or be transferred to the replacement course with minimum disadvantage to the student.

5.5 No New Student can be enrolled in an accredited course after its accreditation expiry date or be enrolled in a Training Package qualification from 12 months or the announced period on after the Training Package superseded date has passed.

5.6 Currently Enrolled Students and, where appropriate, Previously Enrolled Students are entitled to complete the qualification in which they were enrolled, however students who have completed 50% or less of their qualification should be encouraged to transfer into the new/revised qualification.

5.7 No student should be disadvantaged by being transferred to a new qualification. This may include CoE and Visa arrangements and renewal costs for students from overseas.

5.8 The Training and Academic Development Manager in conjunction with the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support or delegate will ensure that transition arrangements are documented for each course and group, and provide details to relevant stakeholders in a timely manner, especially Students and Student Services.

5.9 A Previously Enrolled Student wishing to re-enrol in a superseded/expired qualification during the transition period can only enrol in units approved by the Training and Academic Development Manager in conjunction with the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support for delivery during the transition period.

5.10 Only Currently Enrolled Students and Previously Enrolled Students who are able to fully complete the superseded/expired qualification during the transition period should be enrolled in the superseded/expired qualification during this period.

6.0 Teach-out Method

6.1 ANIBT Management will provide timely, adequate advice and guidance to all enrolled students concerning superseded, expired or deleted units and or qualifications delivered by ANIBT.

6.2 The Training and Academic Development Manager in conjunction with the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support will provide written advice to students identifying the publication date of updated unit/s of competency and information concerning the nature of the changes to the unit/s and ANIBT’s current schedule of progress toward transitioning to the updated unit/s or qualification.

6.3 Following the approval of ANIBT’s transition of updated units on the National Register ANIBT will commence enrolments in all relevant new courses.

6.4 A student who has not completed a superseded unit by 12 months following the publication of its replacement will be immediately transferred to the replacement unit/s. However, ANIBT may continue to deliver training and assessment services and issue awards to current students of the superseded qualification who would be genuinely disadvantaged if required to transfer to the replacement qualification, for up to 6 months after the expiry of the transition period for its replacement.

6.5 Additional support and guidance must be provided by the Training and Academic Development Manager in conjunction with the Manager of Compliance and Academic Support to students concerning allowable teach out strategies where a student may be genuinely disadvantaged if transferring to a new training package qualification or currently accredited course would mean:

  • a requirement to undertake additional units of competency
  • an extension to the enrolment period
  • a fundamental change in the structure or content of the qualification or course at an additional financial expense
  • a significant change in training venue or delivery mode
  • a change to apprenticeship/traineeship contract terms
  • the outcome of the new/revised qualification or course is not recognised by an industry licensing/regulatory body
  • a change to their residency visa status




Version NumberActionsDateResponsible
1.0To bring Policy and Procedure in line with new RTO standardsMarch 2015DCS
1.1Cosmetic tweaking to correct errorsDecember 2015DCS
1.2Minor tweaks to meet the requirements of National Code 2018December 2017DCS


Reviewed as part of internal audit

No changes made

January 2019DCS
1.4Changes to accommodate issues faced with Covoid-19 lockdownsApril 2020DCS




Changes made to reflect new organization chart staff rolesAugust 2021DCS