Diversity and Equity

Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015

          Standard 1.3, 1.7, 2.1, 2.5, 4.1, 5.1, 6.3

National Code 2018

          Standard 6, 8.8, 8.9

Diversity and Equity

1.0 Purpose

1.1 The intent of this Policy is to guide practices that result in equitable access to employment opportunities for all stakeholders as well as learning outcomes throughout the Australian National Institute of Business and Technology (ANIBT).

Accommodate student needs in extraordinary circumstances:

Lockdown - refer to Covoid-19 Policy and Procedure

2.0 Introduction

2.1 ANIBT is committed to diversity and inclusiveness, and to providing an environment in which employees have equal access to opportunities, are treated with fairness and respect, and are not judged by unlawful or irrelevant reference to their attributes. This commitment enables ANIBT to attract and retain people with the best skills and abilities.

2.2 ANIBT asserts that all stakeholders of ANIBT have the right to work, study and interact in a learning and/or work environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

3.0 Scope

3.1 This Policy applies to all stakeholders of ANIBT

4.0 Definitions


Discrimination                         The unfair or unfavourable treatment of a person because of a personal characteristic, or attribute, real or imputed, including the setting of a requirement, condition, or practice that is unreasonable and that people with a particular characteristic cannot meet.

Diversity                                  Differences between individuals or groups of people in age,  cultural  background,  disability,  ethnicity,  family responsibilities,  gender,  language,  marital  status, religious belief and sexual orientation; including other religious belief and sexual orientation; including other ways in which people are different, such as learning, ways in which people are different, such as learning, life experience, work experience and socio-economic background.

Equal Opportunity                   Equal access to and participation in, aspects of public life, including learning and employment.

Equity                                      The fair treatment of people on the basis of respect and  merit,  the  recognition  of  disadvantage  and  the absence of discrimination have  been  affected  by  systemic  disadvantage  with


Equity groups                          Identifiable  groups  of  people  within  the  community that, due to one or several personal characteristics regard  to  access  to  educational  or  employment opportunities  and  have  experienced  less  favourable outcomes in education or employment.

Inclusive practices                  Practices that anticipate and accommodate the needs of  a  diversity  of  people,  minimising  the  need  for adjustments  to  respond  to  individual  needs,  while maintaining quality and other standards

Reasonable adjustment           An adjustment that balances the interests of all parties affected  and  does  not  cause  ANIBT unjustifiable hardship

Sexual Harassment                 An unwelcome sexual  advance,  or  an  unwelcome request  for  sexual  favours  or  other  unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature in relation to the person harassed;  in  circumstances  in  which  a  reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would have  anticipated  the  possibility  that  the  person harassed would be offended, humiliated or intimidated.

Stakeholders                           In Vocational Education and Training anyone who is invested in the welfare and success of an RTO and its students, including administrators, trainers, staff members, students, Work Based Learning Providers, parents, families, community members, local business leaders, and officials such as RTO board members, city councilors, and state representatives. In a word, stakeholders have a “stake” in the RTO and its students, meaning that they have personal, professional, civic, or financial interest or concern.

Victimization                           Any form of detriment directed at a person for alleging, making or participating in, supporting or resolving a complaint  of  discrimination,  sexual  harassment  or victimization;  or  a person  associated  with  a  person who  alleges,  makes  or  participates  in,  supports  or resolves   a   complaint   of   discrimination,   sexual harassment or victimization.

  • Guidelines and Principles

5.1 ANIBT applies zero tolerance towards discrimination, harassment or victimization. Complaints of such matters are responded through a range of avenues such as formal investigation, conciliation or informal resolution underpinned by principles of natural justice.


  • ANIBT asserts that staff, students and associates of ANIBT have the right to work, study and interact in a learning and/or work environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and victimiz


  • ANIBT continuously seeks to broaden its student profile to be more diverse and provide support to students from under-represented or disadvantaged groups, in order to facilitate academic success through equivalent opportunities, regardless of students' backgrounds.


  • ANIBT applies specific consideration in the recruitment, admission, learning participation and completion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


  • ANIBT develops and maintains curricula that recognize, utilize and demonstrate diverse knowledge and experiences. These qualities reflect and will advance diverse knowledge and experiences, resulting in inclusive practices, services and facilities.


  • The diverse needs of ANIBT staff, students and associates are best addressed by inclusive practices and, where required, provision of reasonable adjustment.


  • ANIBT is committed to accessibility and equity for students and staff with disabilities. The goal is to enable them to participate to the greatest possible extent and independently, in the academic and operational aspects of ANIBT. Resources will be provided at appropriate level within the allocated budget to reasonably accommodate the needs of students and staff with disabilities.


  • ANIBT ensures clarity and transparency in the student admission and staff recruitment processes, to ensure that people with disabilities are not discriminated against.


  • Reasonable adjustment to the standard policy, procedure or practice will be made to address the needs of students or staff with disabilities. Adjustments of employment arrangements for staff or education arrangements for students will be considered, where practicable and reasonable.


  • ANIBT is not obliged by law to make adjustments that impose an unjustifiable hardship on ANIBT. Adjustments requiring significant costs will be considered and determined by the Board of Directors in reference to their benefits for people without disabilities.


5.11      ANIBT ensures to the best of capability that ANIBT's publications and official documents use inclusive and non-discriminatory language.


  • The students' learning participation, progression and completion data are collected and analyz The results inform admission, support services as well as teaching-learning policies and practices that facilitate academic success by ANIBT students, particularly the identified sub-groups.


6.0 Responsibilities

6.1       All members of ANIBT must not engage in discrimination, harassment or victimization.

6.2       All staff members with supervisory roles are responsible for exercising their leadership and authority and to do their best in providing inclusive learning and work environment free from discrimination, harassment and victimization.

6.3       The Institute’s Management will ensure that all courses approved for initial and continuing accreditation accord with the principles for inclusive curricula.

6.4       The Institute’s Management is responsible for raising awareness and implementing preventative and educative strategies and programs to eliminate all forms of discrimination, harassment and victimization among members of ANIBT

6.5       The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ANIBT will manage any complaints in this area and provide assistance and support to members of ANIBT who are seeking specific information on discrimination, harassment or victimization.







Version NumberActionsDateResponsible
1.0To bring Policy and Procedure in line with new RTO standardsMarch 2015DCS
1.1Cosmetic tweaking to correct errorsDecember 2015DCS
1.2Minor tweaks to meet the requirements of National Code 2018December 2017DCS


Reviewed as part of internal audit

No changes made

January 2019DCS
1.4Changes to accommodate issues faced with Covoid- 19 lockdownsApril 2020DCS


Changes made to reflect new organization chart staff rolesAugust 2021DCS