Critical Incident Management

Standards for Registered Training Organizations 2015

          Standard 7.4

National Code 2018

          Standard 6.4, 6.5

Critical Incident Management

1.0 Policy and Procedure Statement

1.1 The Australian National Institute of Business and Technology (ANIBT) is committed to provide appropriate support to both domestic and international students in the event of a critical incident, in accordance with the Educational Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.

2.0 Purpose

2.1 The purpose of this procedure is to define the system used to meet the requirements of the above mentioned standards.

Accommodate student needs in extraordinary circumstances:

Lockdown - refer to Covoid-19 Policy and Procedure

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 The Campus Manager and Student Services Coordinator  are responsible for implementation of this policy/procedure and to ensure that staff and students are aware of its contents and application.

4.0 Requirements

4.1This policy applies to both domestic and international students.

4.2 CRICOS registered training organisations must have a documented critical incident policy together with procedures that cover the action to be taken in the event of a critical incident, required follow-up to the incident, and records of the incident and action taken. This policy will also apply to domestic students, where relevant.

4.3 The Educational Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) requires the Institute to notify DE and DHA as soon as practical after the incident and in the case of a student’s death or other absence affecting the student’s attendance, the incident will need to be reported via the Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS).

4.4 When an international student dies or sustains serious injury, the Institute may be required to assist the student’s family. This may include:

hiring interpreters

making arrangements for hospital/funeral/memorial Services/repatriation

obtaining a death certificate

assisting with personal items and affairs including insurance issues

assisting with visa issues

4.5 If the critical incident involves a student or staff member who is off campus, the person receiving the information must immediately contact the Campus Manager and MASS who will communicate to other staff and relevant persons as appropriate.

5.0 Definitions

5.1 Critical Incident – A traumatic event, or the threat of such (within or outside Australia), which causes extreme stress, fear or injury.  Critical incidents are not limited to, but could include:

missing students

severe verbal or psychological aggression

death, serious injury or any threat of these

natural disaster

issues such as domestic violence, sexual assault, drug or alcohol abuse

any non-life threatening event that could still qualify as a critical incident

6.0 Method

6.1 Any Institute staff member receiving news or information regarding a critical incident (on or off campus) must contact the Student Services Coordinator and or the relevant Campus Manager. The contact details of Student Services Coordinator  and the relevant Campus Manager are listed on the institute’s website, student handbook and the City Campus, and Brunswick Campus notice boards.

6.2 On receipt of news or information regarding a critical incident the Student Services Coordinator in conjunction with the Campus Manager must:

Create for themselves a clear understanding of the known facts

If an emergency exists contact the relevant emergency services by phoning 000

If translators are required contact an interpreter service such as Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450

If counselling services are required contact Life Line on 131 114 or similar

Plan an immediate response

Plan ongoing strategies

Allocate individual roles/responsibilities for ongoing tasks

6.3 Where the critical incident involves suspected criminal activity, the matter must be reported to the Police, regardless of any issues of consent or confidentiality.

6.4 If the critical incident is of a police nature or workplace health and safety issue, ensure the area or site is not disturbed.

6.5 Based on an evaluation of the critical incident the Student Services Coordinator in conjunction with the Campus Manager must, where appropriate, implement the following:

Contact with next of kin/significant others

Inform police and any other organizations that may be able to assist such as: community/multi-cultural organizations or phone-counselling services.

Informing Institute staff and students

Prepare a guideline to staff about what information to give students

Prepare a written bulletin to staff and students if the matter is complex

Briefing staff and delegating a staff member to deal with telephone/counter inquiries

Managing media/publicity

Identify students and staff members most closely involved with the incident and ensure they are offered support and counselling

Arrange a time and place for an initial group/individual debriefing session with Counsellor/s

Maintain privacy principles

Arrange access to emergency funds if necessary

 6.6 The Educational Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) requires the Institute to notify DE and DHA as soon as practical after the incident and in the case of a student’s death or other absence affecting the student’s attendance, via the Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS).

6.7 The Campus Manager in conjunction with the Student Services Coordinator must record the incident and the following key details in the Critical Incident Report, to include:

The time of the incident

The location and nature of the incident

The names and roles of persons directly involved in the critical incident

The action taken by the Institute

The organizations and people contacted by the Institute

6.8 Following this they must ensure:

The Critical Incident Log is updated

DHA is informed, if required

6.9 The Critical Incident Report and Critical Incident Log are stored in the Critical Incident file located at both Institute campuses. A copy of the Critical Incident Report is also stored in the student’s file, if applicable.




Version NumberActionsDateResponsible
1.0To bring Policy and Procedure in line with new RTO standardsMarch 2015DCS
1.1Cosmetic tweaking to correct errorsDecember 2015DCS
1.2Minor tweaks to meet the requirements of National Code 2018December 2017DCS


Reviewed as part of internal audit

No changes made

January 2019DCS
1.4Changes to accommodate issues faced with Covoid- 19 lockdownsApril 2020DCS




Changes made to reflect new organization chart staff rolesAugust 2021DCS